Monday, September 3, 2018

EPHS Tunnel Crew is Game Ready

Eagle Pass High School Tunnel Crew is a special group of students comprised of both boys and girls working under Student Council. They are trained to set up the tunnel, which weighs several hundred pounds, at every football game at beginning and half time. 
They also run the flags throughout the football game every time the Eagles score a touchdown and/or when the Mighty Eagle Band plays the Eagle War Cry. 
And they bring the Eagle Mascot to life. 

Being a member of the EPHS Tunnel Crew is hard work and these students do their job with heart and love for our Eagles. 
It doesn’t matter if the temperatures are over 110 degrees or in the 40’s, the Tunnel Crew members will be out on the field ready to do their job. 
Unlike all the other groups, the Tunnel Crew subsidizes their meals and expenses. 
Talk about dedication to their Eagles!

As Friday, August 31st, kicked off their season it is fitting to introduce the 2018-2019 EPHS Tunnel Crew!
Special recognition goes out to Mariana Sanchez-Perales EPHS Tunnel Crew Captain. She is responsible for supervising, training, and overseeing the group as well as keeping track of all the equipment. That’s a lot of responsibility and she does an outstanding job!

2018 -2019 EPHS Tunnel Crew
Mariana Sanchez-Perales: Captain
Mariana Gonzalez
Kyle Luna
Daphne Robledo
Angel De la Peña
Jacqueline Gonzalez
Sarah Perales
Stephanie V. Rodriguez
Jovana Sanchez
Victor Alonso
Delaney Esquivel
Alexis Gomez
Kendrick Sanchez
Jesus Menchaca
Jose. W. Ruiz
Savannah Moreno.